British designer Ged Palmer is a master of hand painted lettering. He works with a brush (not a keyboard and mouse) because it brings him better peace of mind. >
Following the signing of the Paris agreement this year, sustainability is on top of everyone’s minds and it seems like global brands are leading the way. >
Issue 2 of Do The Green Thing, "Why London's cars are like America's guns", is a call to reduce the number of cars and protect public space and fresh air. >
The challenges we face can be solved through international cooperation. This year’s WDCD conference looks at Africa’s solutions for Europe’s problems.
Built using over 17 000 pieces of aluminium, the Hive is fitted with LED lights and sound to replicate the buzzing, tooting and quacking communication cues used >
Despite their highly different cultures, Cebisa Mafukuzela and Georgina Campbell found a way to celebrate their heritage through their project CROSS.CULTURE. >