5 buildings rethinking what wood can do

Wood is making a come-back as environmental concern and innovation pushes it to the forefront.
As a process called cross-laminated timber (CLT) is making building with wood stronger and durable, more and more architects are embracing this material. From Norway to Sweden and the United states, wood is being used to build spectacular, cost-effective buildings. 
We look at 5 wooden buildings that are setting the pace for wooden construction:  

Community Church (Knarvik, Norway)

Designed by award winning architect Reiulf Ramstad, this church building dominates the Knarkvik’s skyline. It was completed in 2014 and hosts religious and cultural events while offering spectacular views of the the town and mountains. 

T3 (Minneapolis, United States)

 T3, Minnepolis
Once completed, T3 promises to be the first “mass-timber” building in America. T3 will offer high-end office space with 3-meter-high ceilings and massive glass windows thanks to the incredible strength of its solid timber panels. 

Ark of Noah (Netherlands) 

The ark, Netherlands
Although a group called “Answers in Genesis” are fervently working to complete their own ‘ark’ in Cincinnati, America, a Dutch carpenter finished his version in 2013. The boat itself is planned to leave from the Netherlands to Brazil later this year, but is currently acting as a museum of bible-based stories spanning several floors. 
the ark, Netherlands

Trätoppen (Stockholm, Sweden) 

Tratoppen, Stockholm
Wooden-numbers are planned to grace the Stockholm sky-line once work starts on Trätoppen, a 40 story high building. The concept evolved when the Stock Holm Centre Party launched a competition for plans to redevelop an empty parking lot into active living, working and relaxing space for citizens. 
Tratoppen, Stockholm

Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership (Michigan, United States)  

Constructed in 2014, this centre aims to facilitate social discussion and develop future leadership. It sits squarely on the Kalamazoo College campus and features incredible spaces for teaching, learning and discussion.