Massoud Hassani on designing from Afghan influence

Massoud Hassani’s Afghan heritage has a significant influence on his designs, from a kitchenware range to a wind-powered device that clears landmines.

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Drawing on his Afghan heritage, Massoud Hassani has created a range of products, from cookware to mine-clearing equipment. In this Pecha Kucha talk at Design Indaba Conference 2012, he talks about his “Silk Cooking” kitchenware collection, which aims to educate people on both Afghan food and the utensils used in their preparation. He also tells of his “Mine Kafon” project, in which he used toys from his childhood as the prototype to create a device capable of clearing landmines in countries where they still pose a great risk to individual safety. 

Watch the Interview with Andy Chen, Renée Rossouw, Massoud Hassani, Rahim Bhimani, Carly Berger, Sputniko!, Brynjar Sigurðarson

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