What can your creativity do?

A lively series of quotable quotes from the speakers at the Design Indaba Conference 2009.

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“True inspiration is looking at something really different and getting a new idea for something that relates to yourself.” Marian Bantjes

“We want people to draw on their own walls.” Vincent Baranger

“When you have a garden, you have to take care of things that grow very quickly and others that grow never, while others take years and years – that entropy teaches you a lot.” Patricia Urquiola

“I like to make vases that are so beautiful, you don’t need flowers.” Marcel Wanders

“The new design is about getting to a new state of perpetuity. Currently, practically nothing we do, we can do indefinitely. Almost everything we do today, we rely on exhausting resources that are not infinite.” Bruce Mau

“The problem is that the Eiffel Tower is in danger.” Claire Renard

“Fear is simply psychological protection. It boils down to you trying to protect something.” Sean Adams

“As a designer you don’t necessarily have to create everything or discover stuff, sometimes it’s just about identifying the potential that a particular material has.” Luyanda Mpahlwa

“There are arguments both ways: Is it more sustainable to use paper or digital technology? You have to make sure that what you do with your resources counts.” Lynda Relph-Knight

“The captivating rhythm of contrast and colour can be a musical experience.” Jay Osgerby

“I wanted to create visually what I heard in music.” Jannes Hendrikz

“This place rocks.” Keith Rose

“I want to be a rock’n’roll star.” Javier Mariscal

“There are a lot of choices that as designers we can make alone, but there are also a lot of choices that that we can’t do alone.” Anthony Lebossé

“The establishment doesn’t want to know about how capable and connected we are on a grassroots level.” Mohit Jayal

“We envision empowering people locally to identify the problems that matter and then to help solve the problems, while inviting everyone else in the world to also solve these problems.” Dwayne Spradlin

“Everyone’s capable of design, everyone’s a designer, it’s about how we apply ourselves in thinking about solutions for the future in using raw and recycled materials.” Stephen Burks

“The divide between making and design really keeps the designer unaware of how toxic and dirty a lot of our materials are.” Zoë Coombes

“You have to stare for a long time into the object’s eyes…” Fiona Raby

“I sometimes feel that my process is digging, but other times it’s swimming and other times it falls from the sky.” Dai Fujiwara

“We decided to reverse the process, starting with colour and then working with shape.” Edward Barber

“A new design bible is being written.” Li Edelkoort

“It need not be complex and indulgent to tell a story effectively.”  Craig Wessels

“This is a serious car. Electric cars are usually either wacky or tree hugger, but you don’t do that if you want to change the world.” Keith Helfet

“We automated everything: rule lines, font changes, baseline shifts, rotated type, knockouts, overprints, colour-coded rules, drop shadows, photo placement and even simultaneous content revisions directly to the web… but then, since when is speed ever enough?” Rick Valicenti

“We’re in a moment where we’re all questioning if excess is going to be viable anymore, but then does everything have to become overly minimal or does it also involve something that is very evocative?” David Boira

“Technology doesn’t have to be dry and boring and geeky. It can be imaginative and poetic.” Anthony Dunne

“I want to make bright peace world.” Nobumichi Tosa

“We are the problem, well, at least, design is the problem. And we have to understand that to find a new way to complete our jobs.” Jean-Sébastien Blanc

“Great ideas aren’t always possible, that’s why collaboration is vital.” Roger Smythe

“I think the trick here is to be very sincere and open about the whole process.” V Sunil

“Some people have to check your passport at the airport, some people have to do menial jobs, but because you’re creative you think you’re above the rest. You can’t be creative if you’re not honest.” Ferran Adrià

“It’s pretty commonly known among designers that if you don’t know what to do with a shape, it’s either a vase or a lamp.” Frank Tjepkema

“Designers don’t read. If they did, they would have figured out quite quickly that we made it all up.” Noreen Morioka

Watch the Talk with Marian Bantjes

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