The Interior World of Tom Dixon, published by Conran Octopus, is an explosion of inspiring colours, textures and patterns. Meshing comparisons between Italian flooring echoed in the colours of dried Korean fish. A traditional hut of the San from the Richtersveld contrasts and complements the Austrian hostel in a park that becomes repurposed drainpipes stretching across to the Japanese capsule hotel… The Interior World of Tom Dixon is a visual reference of the many images we are exposed to in society, past and present, emerging as a pattern. Explicating the organic development of thought in Dixon’s mind, the visuals take one through materialism, constructivism, expressionism, primitivism, reductionism and futurism, categorising them as good, bad and indifferent, from ancient techniques to modern technology. This taxonomy of images shows just how one’s life can be improved through thought and design, which affect our lives everyday.
The Interior World of Tom Dixon
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