The fact that digital platforms have challenged traditional marketing and advertising models is no secret. Nor is the notion that there’s a lot more challenges and changes where that comes from. Everyone is bravely trying to figure out a new way of working in a radically new world.
On Friday 14 October 2011, the Digital Edge Live event will see 12 South African marketing and advertising gurus taking to the ring to air their views about the challenges within the industry. Presented by NATIVE, the event takes place from 2 to 6pm at the Dragon Power Arena in Cape Town.
International guest speaker Bob Garfield headlines and will deliver the keynote address. Garfield has been a columnist and critic for Advertising Age for the past 26 years. Published in 2009, his third and most recent book, The Chaos Scenario predicts the end of mass media.
South African speakers include Gavin Rooke, managing director of Trigger/Isobar; Graham Warsop, group chairman and chief creative officer of the Jupiter Drawing Room; Ivan Moroke, marketing director of TBWA Hunt Lascaris; Nicky Cockcroft, head of online for Woolworths and chairwoman of both the DMMA and Bookmarks Awards; Brent Shahim, managing director of Aqua Online; Pete Case, founder of Gloo; Rob Stokes, CEO of Quirk; Alistair King, group creative director of King James; Farai Madzima, interaction designer at NATIVE; Dawn Rowlands from Aegis Media; Bellinda Carreira from Standard Bank; and Jason Xenopoulos, CEO of NATIVE.
For the duration of four hours, the contenders will enter the ring with fightmaster Erich Viedge to make their case. Each round will focus on a different part of the intricate and evolving digital marketing and communications landscape, and will offer insight and expert opinions from the industry’s top challengers.
Live music from Cape Town bands GoodLuck and The Spectators, as well as refreshments are included in the R1550 ticket price. For bookings and information visit www.thedigitaledge.co.za/live