Comprehensive Dixonary

Aptly titled "Dixonary" Tom Dixon's new publication delves into the inspiration for his work over the past three decades.
Dixonary by Tom Dixon.
Dixonary by Tom Dixon.

Tom Dixon reveals all…

In the first comprehensive book of his work, Dixon reveals his inspirations of the last 30 years.

Dixonary, as the name suggests, is an alphabetical reference to some of Dixon’s most innovative designs and ingenious creations. In his own words, and with hundreds of comparative illustrations, he illuminates the often-surprising ideas behind his finished pieces.

The publication highlights how Dixon transforms notions of plumpness observed in a painting of an overfed pig into an overstuffed sofa; a fish pan from a Chinese supermarket altered into the seat of a chair; gigantic concrete sea defences on the coast of Japan becoming the distinctive shape of his famous stacked Jack Light; and much more.

If Dixonary is flicked through one way, it reveals a comprehensive catalogue of Dixon’s work, and if flicked through back-to-front reveals his numerous, unusual inspirations. 

Watch the Talk with Tom Dixon

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