From the Series
“Coffee Beer” is a collaboration between Anchor Coffee, a coffee business in Northern Japan, and Sekinoichi, a sake and beer brewery in the same district.
The Coffee Beer is the result of experiments that have proved that adding coffee beans to beer during the brewing process makes for a beer with a rich, deep taste, owing to the bitter aroma of the coffee beans.
Nendo were tasked to design the packaging for this unique drink, which came into existence as a charity initiative to raise disaster relief funds for the areas affected by the earthquake of March 2011.
Nendo were especially mindful of the costs, and this decided to use the existing bottles. They simply covered them with small labels in the shape of coffee beans! The labels were applied by hand, to further reduce the costs.
The simplicity of the idea and the design allows the Coffee Beer to maintain its unique brand identity, while still allowing room for something bespoke: the pattern on each bottle varies slightly!
Says Nendo: “We wanted the packaging to convey the makers' thoughts andfeelings with each bottle.”