A designer permanently at play

A short film about quirky British designer Dominic Wilcox, the craziest designer we love to love.

Even Dominic Wilcox’s mum thinks he is crazy - "well, imaginative. That's what I meant," she says in this short film by Liam Saint-Pierre. The imaginative British designer takes us on a hunt for new ideas and a visit back home to meet his parents.

“I’m always on the look out for things to inspire me,” says Wilcox, who has invented an array of peculiar and amusing designs such as the maraca toothbrush, an umbrella containing plant pots and some crazy-looking headgear that channels the sounds from either side of the wearer to the opposite ear.

Quiet as a child, Wilcox claims he observed and thought a lot, but that only in his later life did he find an outlet for his creativity. His designs retain a child-like playfulness as he looks at even the most mundane of objects in a novel, sometimes ridiculous, way.

“So what! Lets do the ridiculous, and by doing the ridiculous something else might come of it.”