If you've ever sat in a presentation wondering when it would end then you, like Design Indaba, understand the importance of brevity and its ability to impart a great deal more information. Pecha Kucha is a system that allows for the necessary knowledge to be presented in a limited space of time. A presenter is allowed 20 slide images, each shown for 20 seconds; the 6 minutes and 40 seconds maximise peoples’ interest levels and gives more presenters a chance of exposure.
As such, the Design Indaba Expo is hosting two Pecha Kucha sessions this weekend. Hosted in the DStv event arena, the presentations will follow the all-day ARISE fashion shows at 5pm. A relaxing lounge area and Grolsch bar will encourage you to sit back and enjoy.
On Friday 26 February at 5pm, you can expect to hear from, among others, Faith47, accomplished South African street artist and activist; Neil Stemmet, co-owner of Koncept Design & Architecture and creative mastermind behind restaurants such as Cuvée, Van Niekerk Tasting Lounge and his very own Le Must; Professor Edgar Pieterse, published author and director of the African Centre for Cities at the University of Cape Town; Eames Demetrios, acclaimed filmmaker and grandson of the great modern designers Charles and Ray Eames; art curator Andrew Lamprecht on the upcoming Tretchikoff Retrospective; and Cape Town Partnership’s Kutloano Skosana on the city’s bid for Design Capital 2014.
On Saturday 27 February, prepared to hear from founder of Springleap Eran Eyal; Dimitri Phillippou who took on the might of the Virgin Empire and won; Floyed de Vaal on the new campaign against human trafficking; designer and artist Xavier Clarisse; Net#work BBDO’s Mike Schalit, voted top creative mind in the country for ten years in succession; and a delegation of students from the Royal College of Art in London, led by renowned designer Jurgen Bey.
So if you’re interested to hear what the contemporaries of the creative industry have to say, the Design Indaba Pecha Kucha sessions is the place to be. Take some time, unwind, have a drink and listen as these creative minds speak on an eclectic mix of subjects. Best of all, you are guaranteed riveting presentations that won’t have you glancing longingly at the exit. Join us; it’s worth every minute.
Devised by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham of Klein Dytham Architects in 2003, Pecha Kucha started out as a place for young designers of any field to meet, network and present their work to their peers in a public arena. The concept is a breath of fresh air to the stale methods of presentation and it wasn't long before Pecha Kucha become a worldwide sensation and spread to over 100 cities across the globe.