In this edition, everyone’s a superhuman – from the world’s best chef to the idea you tossed in the waste bin yesterday. Inspired by the emotion, passion and integrity displayed at the 2009 Design Indaba Conference and Expo, “Superhuman” celebrates all that is fleshy – the good, bad and beautiful, with a dollop of kink and a waft of inspiration, all in one read.
Read it with love, says Marian Bantjes’s eye-catching cover. With nonsense, says Nobumichi Tosa’s crazy inventions. With nature, says Dai Fujiwara’s fashion genius. With curiosity, says Michaella Janse van Vuuren’s arty science. With speculation, says Dunne&Raby’s critical process. With kindness, says Richard Hart’s paintings. And with honesty, nods Ferran Adrià.
Humanity is everywhere – even in our domesticity, discovers photographer Leah Hawker in her sexy fashion shoot. In fact, we are only human, is the verdict of the open-call for superheroes of the future. A litmus of the times, it’s remarkable how many designers chose to turn humble mortal traits into super powers.
The creative community of South Africa seems to be saying that our future lies firmly in our humanity. And creativity and design lies firmly in South Africa’s future, editor of Design Week UK, Lynda Relph-Knight writes in her review of Design Indaba Expo 2009.
The chockablock Design Snippets section celebrates the best in new local and international design. And, to weather the winter, curl up with a design book… We review crEATe: Eating, Design and Future Food; Marije Vogelzang’s monograph, Eat Love; Simon Gear’s Going Green; and Stan Engelbrecht’s Miss Beautiful.
Design Indaba, Q209, “Superhuman”, is available in selected Woolworths and Exclusive Books stores, as well as Melissa’s and other outlets nationwide.