Writing-inspired style

Resembling the writing tool, Nendo's new Bluetooth headphones for Logitech takes its name from the French word for "pen".

Named after the French word for “pen”, “Stylo” is the name of a new Bluetooth headset designed by Nendo for Logitech.

The French name reference is also manifested in the design: The headset’s mechanism is packed into the aluminium tubing, much like an ink cartridge fits into a pen.

Taking the pen metaphor even further, the headset comes with a pen-like clip that secures it to a pocket (or something similar).

Stylo is finished in anodized aluminium, which serves to bring out the beauty inherent in the material. The colour variations that the metal displays also reflects a form of honesty, the designers explain.

They elaborate on this point: “As a tool for everyday use, the headset's surface will also change over time, as it accumulates the minute scratches and marks that come naturally through use.” A feature that will add more depth and character to the piece.

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