Payment plan

Yves Béhar has created a new identity and global campaign for the leader in digital payments, PayPal.

The original innovator in the digital payments industry gets a makeover.

PayPal, an online payment service, recently invited San Francisco-based design consultancy fuseproject, founded by Yves Béhar, to design a new identity and global campaign highlighting the brands’s flexibility. The new identity and campaign unifies PayPal’s growth from solely an online platform to including mobile services and in-store elements.

We designed an identity to better express PayPal’s innovative DNA and future as the leader in digital payments, says Béhar.

The result is a system with a bolder wordmark, stronger monogram, more vibrant colours and a dynamic angle graphic that increases user perceptions of trust and innovation. Connection is a motivating principle behind the redesign as the connection to money, people and between people are integral elements of PayPal’s services.

Furthermore the new identity flexes to fit all of the brand's facets, from wearables and mobile screens to the biggest, flattest high-definition televisions. 

Watch the Talk with Yves Béhar