Heads above the rest

As the puppeteer of 5m-tall puppets, Daniel Popper is expecting to captivate soccer fans with his larger-than-life soccer players.

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Photo: Brett Rubin
Photo: Brett Rubin

Daniel Popper started creating his larger-than-life puppets after graduating from the University of Cape Town. With two years of experimentation under his belt, Popper has created giant soccer players for the FIFA World Cup 2010. Standing at 5m-tall, each puppet is made from lightweight materials allowing one puppeteer to control it. Popper believes they will capture the imagination of their audiences and at that height many will be hard pressed to look elsewhere but at these incredible creations. These images form part of photographer Brett Rubin's promotional shoot for Popper.

Daniel Popper started creating his larger-than-life puppets after graduating from the University of Cape Town. With two years of experimentation under his belt, Popper has created giant soccer players for the FIFA World Cup 2010. Standing at 5m-tall, each puppet is made from lightweight materials allowing one puppeteer to control it. Popper believes they will capture the imagination of their audiences and at that height many will be hard pressed to look elsewhere but at these incredible creations. These images form part of photographer Brett Rubin's promotional shoot for Popper.