Priestmangoode has more than a fair amount of experience designing high-speed trains around the world.
But it is exactly this experience which leads them to believe that it is massively inefficient to run these powerful transportation machines on rail infrastructure from the 19th century that was essentially designed for steam trains.
Looking to this problem, Paul Priesman designed an ingenious solution for high speed train services. It is believed that Moving Platfroms has the potential to revolutionise the rail industry in the same way that the internet revolutionised communication.
“Moving Platforms is an inter-connected rail infrastructure where local trams connect to a network of non-stop high speed trains enabling passengers to travel from their local stop to a local address at their destination (even in another country) without getting off a train”, Priestmangoode explains.
Paul Priestman adds: “I’m under no illusion this is a big idea’ says Paul, ‘but we have to think big. The world is going to a be a very different place in 10 to 20 years time and we have to think of alternative ways of travel.”