Collective creativity

We've been tracking the stages of one of the challenges on OpenIDEO that aims to address issues of safety for women and girls in low-income urban areas.
Kranti’s Pop-Up School for Social Change in Mumbai’s Red-Light Area.
Kranti’s Pop-Up School for Social Change in Mumbai’s Red-Light Area.

The OpenIDEO platform where people from across the globe can work together to solve difficult problems for the greater social good has been running a challenge on how to make low-income urban areas safer places for, especially women and girls. 

The challenge, which was launched in February 2014, has gone through the Research phase where case studies, stories and examples were shared. The challenge then moved on to the Ideas phases where new solutions and ideas where developed and shared, followed by the Applause phase where the challenge community could support and select ideas that they felt had potential.

The challenge is now in the Refinement phase. The 53 final ideas identified by the online community are now developed and refined further to help increase their potential for impact. Once this phase has ended the ideas go through a final evaluation with a shortlist of the ideas with the most potential announced at the end of the challenge. 

Final ideas range from creating community concierges and a start-up taxi cab business by women, for women to developing a pop-up school for social change and a red chilli powder-filled glass bangles for self defence. 

Join the conversation by adding your feedback, insights and questions to the remaining ideas.

Watch the Talk with Tom Hulme

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