I have spent many hours schussing speakers around conference venues trying to secure interviews. It’s always frustrating; it can be fruitless. So at this year’s amazing Design Indaba in Cape Town, we decided to do something a little different, and when we asked speakers if they had “ a spare five minutes” we literally meant it. Five Minutes With… does exactly what it says on the tin; take great creative minds, ask them a range of questions (some silly, some more serious) and bring it all to an end around the five-minute mark.
The results were better than we could have expected, with a host of art and design insight in amongst Stefan Sagmeister revealing he never saw Night At The Museum, IDEO’s Tom Hulme relating a traumatic childhood experience (for his sister) and Hans Ulrich Obrist basically ignoring the format. Enjoy!
Stefan Sagmeister
Hans Ulrich Obrist
Michel Rojkind
Lauren Beukes
Jake Barton
Tom Hulme
Marcello Serpa
Ije Nwokorie