In a new approach to low-cost lighting for the developing world, Martin Riddiford and Jim Reeves have found a way to employ gravity to turn dark into light. >
AdaptAir is a device that provides life-giving oxygen to children with respiratory illnesses using a simple one-size-fits-all, reusable and low-cost concept. >
Grasshoppers are a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to meat protein. Could the ability to grow them in your kitchen make them more appealing? >
Smart and simple, Social Estate is a new online tool that streamlines the communication between the board of trustees and residents of housing complexes. >
Taking place from 21 to 31 August 2013, Open Design Cape Town is a multidisciplinary event aimed at making design and design thinking more accessible. >
The use of non-sterile syringes lead to many unnecessary deaths each year. Here's a concept that gives patients the power to know when a syringe is unsafe. >