Part of the Project
From the Series
Launched in February 2014 the #ANOTHERLIGHTUP project aims to fund the installation of a streetlight system into one of Cape Town's more dangerous neighbourhoods, empowering individuals with the potential to be active agents in change.
Design Indaba Trust, Faith47 and Thingking have teamed up to create a mural that brings about a community level change through the duality of art-based social impact.
The multi-storey artwork has a visual feedback loop for those who view it: the wall lights up at night each time enough money is raised for one new light to be installed on a pathway in the informal settlement of Monwabisi Park, Khayelitsha, through the organisation VPUU (Violence Prevention through Urban Upgrading).
The intricate lighting pattern is an artistic endeavour that also serves as a reminder that there are communities in the city that lack the luxury of light, which is a major public safety concern.
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Timelapse shot by Rowan Pybus @makhulu_