Ghana Be Love: Fashion in the streets of Accra

South African fashion retailer Suberbalist travels to Accra, Ghana to shoot their latest atmospheric campaign, Ghana Be Love.

Following the success of their Wes Anderson-inspired Dakar fashion shoot, fashion-focussed South African online store Superbalist travelled to Ghana to set the scene for their vibrant summer campaign. The intention of the creative team is to share the vibrancy of African youth culture, and the film and images were shot with locally cast models in quintessentially Accra locations. 

The imagery captured reveals an exuberance and youthfulness that almost interrupts the old-world architecture and bustling beachfronts of Ghana’s coastal capital. Warm colours, eye-catching prints and sultry silhouettes from days gone by decorate a campaign referencing the international trend of old Havana style – only this time, in a uniquely African setting. Check out the full lookbook of images

“The aim of shooting in different African cities is to shine a light on the diversity of African youth culture,” creative director Tammy Tinker explains. “The honest truth is Ghanaian people are some of the friendliest people I have ever met. When briefing the fashion trend of ‘Cuba’, Rudi [Rudi Geyser, photographer] immediately said that Accra has the most incredibly diverse locations, and a thriving art scene. And he was right!”  

To see the full lookbook of images, view our gallery. To buy the clothes, go to

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