Sputniko! on designing objects that trigger debate and discussion

"I'm kind of a pop personality", says Sputniko! Find out why...

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Speaking at Design Indaba Conference 2012, Tokyo-based designer, artist and musician Sputniko! discusses the idea of designing for debate. With a focus on designing objects that trigger discussion and debate, Sputniko! uses music videos to reach past the design community to stimulate global discussion around her adventurous projects. Here she speaks about her “Crowbot Jenny” creation, which allows humans to communicate with crows. She further talks about her “Menstruation Machine”, a device allowing people who do not menstruate to experience what it feels like. 

Watch the Interview with Andy Chen, Renée Rossouw, Massoud Hassani, Rahim Bhimani, Carly Berger, Sputniko!, Brynjar Sigurðarson

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