Mark Shuttleworth on the benefits of open-source

South African entrepreneur Mark Shuttleworth talks about the Ubuntu Project, a free, open-source Linux-based operating system.

Mark Shuttleworth introduces the Ubuntu open-source software project as "the Wikipedia of software", believing open-source software to be the hotbed of innovation.

We can't experiment with expensive things, says Shuttleworth.

The South African Ubuntu Project founder believes that content is king when working with an interface, and that is why his free, Linux-based project is effective.

Looking at its core usability and user interface, he shows us why using a dual interface that serves the professional as well as the passionate amateur can be both challenging and rewarding. He also talks about easy searches and effective organisation.

Watch the Interview with Francis Kéré, Jen Bilik, &Union , Mark Shuttleworth, Kiran Bir Sethi