Marcelo Rosenbaum on cultural heritage in design

Understanding and incorporating cultural heritage and traditions is a key feature in Marcelo Rosenbaum’s designs.

Brazilian designer Marcelo Rosenbaum holds traditional and cultural elements as a key feature in his designs. He talks about making various things, from tablecloths and straw baskets to the interiors of favelas, working with crafters to provide ways to empower them.

If the popular culture in Brazil had a shroud, it would be chita. This ordinary cloth, cotton, print or colour symbolises the way of life in Brazil, says Rosenbaum.

For Rosenbaum it was important to incorporate elements of Brazilian society into the VIP lounge he designed for the Rio Carnival. 

In his “Home Sweet Home” TV programme Marcelo Rosenbaum looked at ways in which to use design to improve the favelas of Brazil.

Drawing on traditional, cultural Brazilian motifs and products he has also designed a ceramic range and a new lace pattern.