Design Indaba launched the Construction New Media Awards eight years ago. This was at a time when creative new media solutions were not being acknowledged by the local creative industries and we sought to redress this imbalance.
Since the inception of the CNMA, the new media industry has flourished, annually mutating into even newer and more unexpected applications. And, fittingly, the industry has kept pace, generously representing and fully integrating new media, as evidenced by the number of new awards, now up for grabs.
As such, Design Indaba has decided to reposition the Construction New Media Awards. We are hoping to relaunch the Construction New Media Awards in a new virtual format on the new Design Indaba website, which our team are currently building. We envision this space as a community hold-all where new media practitioners can post, share, vote and discuss the best in South African and international new media.So this year, we will not host the Construction New Media Awards astride Design Indaba in its regular guise.
We will also redouble our efforts to do what we do best sharing inspiring perpectives on the creative industries, as delivered by the best exponents in the world, which we will host in seminar and workshop formats through the year.
Thanks for your support of the awards in the past and good luck with the fabulous work you are doing in this vibrant sector.