Michael Grigoriev on using collective intelligence to solve problems

Design strategist Michael Grigoriev believes that collectively we’re more intelligent than any expert and need to draw on this intelligence to tackle problems.

From the Series

How do we create the conditions and environment to begin to collectively address problems? This is a question that concerns design strategist Michael Grigoriev, and one that he spoke to at Design Indaba Conference 2013.

Though his background is in industrial design and the making of products and objects, Grigoriev is now interested in how design thinking can be applied to solve bigger problems. He believes that an understanding of people is a key part of making sense of the bigger world challenges. As such, he argues that collectively we’re more intelligent than any expert on a given topic, based on our diversity and share knowledge.

A big part of the design challenge for Grigoriev then is to find ways to mobilise people because we can only tackle the biggest problems of our time as a collective. It’s about using design to exemplify opportunities for development.

By considering design research, development challenges and collective intelligence, magic can happen, Grigoriev believes. 

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