A Frosty Day in Durban
"A Frosty Day in Durban", the highly successful inaugural event in the Design Indaba Workshop Series, was held in Durban on 24 August 2001.

It exposed participants to the best global practices of working in the disciplines of design, art direction and printing. The 31 participants of "Frosty Day" included college and technikon students, as well as people with less than two years experience in the industry.
Participants were tutored and mentored by the award-winning editorial designer Vince Frost of Frost Design, from the UK. He shared his experience and skills with students helping them to develop ideas in response to a brief set by him. Frost reviewed the concepts and the final recommendations were printed immediately, so that the students were able to walk away from the workshop with a completed product under arm.
Besides giving practical advice during the workshop, Frost shared his personal ideas on design in a formal presentation, flavoured with his customary humour, and held a Q&A session that lasted one and a half hours.
The final product was a full-colour, 48-page magazine celebrating Durban as an African city and promoting it as a sought-after tourist and business destination. Internationally acclaimed author Prof Fatima Meer, a native Durbanite, wrote the magazine foreword. The magazine was presented to Unicity Deputy Mayor, Councillor Logie Naidoo and distributed to delegates at the United Nations World Conference Against Racism hosted in Durban.
SPONSORS: Durban Africa, Uthingo, Sappi, SAA, Robprint, Hirt & Carter, Interactive Africa
SponsorsEvent Information
Event Information
Venue:- Thursday, 23 August, 2001 - 22:00 to Saturday, 25 August, 2001 - 22:00