a better world through creativity
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A toy that teaches empathy
Design Frontiers
Creative Economy
Product Design
Canadian industrial designer Ilana Ben-Ari’s puzzle game teaches the creative skills children won’t find in textbooks.
15 Oct 14
A step up
Design Frontiers
Fashion & Jewellery Design
Michaella Janse van Vuuren's latest pieces take her technical proficiencies to new heights – and onto the fashion runway.
7 Oct 14
The Biopanel
Design Frontiers
Product Design
Product designer Alejandra Olivera turns seaweed into a new eco-friendly insulation material for informal housing.
26 Aug 14
A water pump for remote farmers
Design Frontiers
Design Activism
Interaction Design
Product Design
A new foot-operated irrigation device is capable of tripling the revenue of smallholder farmers, says its manufacturer.
19 Aug 14
Bamboo engineering
Design Frontiers
Product Design
Building with bamboo is not new but researchers at MIT are exploring new ways of creating construction products from the sustainable resource.
5 Aug 14
A helping hand
Design Frontiers
Industrial Design
Product Design
A new smart tool from MIT Media Lab is blurring the lines between handmade and digital technology. But that's not a bad thing.
29 Jul 14
The possibilities of bioprinting
Design Frontiers
Design Thinking
Product Design
Now that 3D bioprinting is becoming a reality, speculative designer Agi Haines explores the possibilities of new and improved replacement organs.
22 Jul 14
Bright spark
Design Frontiers
African Design
Design Activism
Product Design
Faithless percussionist Sudha Kheterpal wants to shake up the world to create clean energy for people without access to electricity.
15 Jul 14
Design Frontiers
Product Design
This future-forward, environmentally friendly material finds an artful application in a project by Dutch designer Ineke Hans.
8 Jul 14
Watt scooter
Design Frontiers
Industrial Design
This electric push scooter by industrial design outfit eLabs is a made-in-South-Africa solution to inner-city congestion.
1 Jul 14
Ekasi Water Cap
Design Frontiers
African Design
Design Activism
Industrial Design
Peter Krige has prototyped a pressure-tight closure that can be fitted onto easily available parts to create a shower for unplumbed homes.
17 Jun 14
My furniture manifesto
Design Frontiers
Design Thinking
Product Design
Haldane Martin's pieces say a lot about their creator. Here, their creator says a lot about his pieces.
1 Aug 06
Doing it
Design Frontiers
Graphic Design & Illustration
Robert Nakata is designer whose work explores the "accidental possibilities of relationships between text and images".
1 Nov 02
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Take Five
6 clever design solutions for pressing healthcare issues
28 Nov 19
Focus On
Five examples of great design from Singapore
17 Sep 18
A look into the work of Luke Rudman
3 Feb 22
This short film is a meditation on the joys girlhood
12 Feb 16
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