This is the world's first biodegradable home pregnancy test

The lightweight, ultra-thin invention can be sent in an envelope and biodegrades in three months.

Over 10.95 million women in the United States took home pregnancy tests in 2017. Most of those tests were then discarded into plastic landfills where they add to the plastic pollution that environmentalists are struggling to control. With this in mind, Lia, a company that makes pregnancy tests, has created an eco-friendly, flushable alternative. 

Approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), the test has a 99 per cent accuracy rate. Made up of natural plant fibres like of those found in most toilet paper, it's safe to flush. But, regardless of how you dispose of it, it will biodegrade in 3 months, says the company. 

The easy flush option also allows women to be discreet as pregnancy is not always a welcomed announcement. 

The lightweight, ultra-thin invention can be sent in an envelope and it's expected to be available for purchase in mid 2018. It will be sold online and delivered to your doorstep.

Created by an all-female team which was led by Bethany Edwards and Anna Simpson, Lia hopes to expand to include ovulation and UTI testing kits.

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