Triggerfish, the continent's leading animation studio, recently announced a competition in collaboration with Goethe-Institut, The Walt Disney Company and the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development.
The competition was announced during Comic-Con Africa last month by Triggerfish CEO and former Design Indaba speaker, Stuart Forrest.
He says: "We’re looking for fresh animation shorts that celebrate Africa’s uniqueness and diversity. Creating animation is easier than ever before, so if you love animation, we’re hoping this competition is the encouragement you need to try making five seconds of it for the first time. We’ve kept the format short because we’re looking for artistic impact and technical excellence.”
Applicants are encouraged to work through the 25 free video tutorials on Triggerfish Academy, as entries will be judged by a jury of professionals on the key animation principles outlined there.
With this, the Triggerfish Academy website also has links to download free software that will help you create your first animation video.
The competition has two categories: 18-and-under and 19-25.
The winner in each will take home prizes including an animators dream tool: a Wacom Cintiq 16” drawing tablet.
The top six animations in each category will be posted to Facebook on 18 November where the one with the most likes will go onto win. The winner will be announced on 1 December 2019.
You can enter the competition here.
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