In Japan, more than a quarter of the population is over 65-years old. This greying generation is taking its toll on the government who, despite the alarming statistics, are still continuing their elder-care support programme launched in 2000. Although hugely beneficial for those living in cities, the care programme doesn’t cater for families whose ageing parents are living in remote locations.
Toshiba’s soon-to-be-released Slimee W21 Activity Tracker Smartband answers this problem by allowing concerned families to keep an eye on their remotely situated loved ones. The Bluetooth-enabled, GPS device is built with acceleration, heart rate, heat, and ultraviolet sensors, which are able to track a wearer’s wellbeing.
Data that is retrieved from the wristband is synced to the supplementary iOS or Android app, which is designed to alert a family member of unusual vital signs like an abnormal heart rate or heat exhaustion. The device also features a panic button for the wearer to press in the case of an emergency.