Reflections, time and tables at Milan2011

Japanese designer Naoto Fukasawa presented a table, mirror and two clocks for Magis at the Milan Furniture Fair.

Naoto Fukasawa presented the Pizza Table, Cu-Clock, Tempo clock and the Déjà-Vu Mirror for Magis at the Milan Furniture Fair recently.

The Pizza Table has a thickened rim, reminiscent of a pizza base, which shows off the character of the table. The wooden legs of the table are made to match the round top while the bulged border of the table also looks tasty and friendly. The Pizza Table is ideal as a side table or a coffee table.

Both fun and functional, the Cu-Clock is a new look at the traditional cuckoo clock. Fukasawa explains that the bright colours are meant to encourage people to be on time. The roof of the Cu-Clock is available in orange, brown and green with both the body of the clock and the pop-out bird being white.

The battery-operated Tempo clock features a minimalist design, with the pointer and frame available in brown, black, grey and orange. The Tempo was manufactured out of an on-off injection method ABS-plastic.

Fukasawa’s Déjà-Vu Mirror sees the frame extruded in polished aluminium with the joints all made in die-case aluminium while the mirror is covered in a protective black film.

Watch the Talk with Naoto Fukasawa

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