Photographer captures the nuances of a South African township

In an ongoing project, photographer Andile Bhala looks to capture the beauty of Soweto.

Nestled in the city of Johannesburg, South Africa, the township of Soweto is layered in history. It was developed as a township for black people under the Apartheid regime and became a site of resistance. In an ongoing project, photographer Andile Bhala is cycling 150 kilometres within the sprawling community capturing its people and places just over 20 years after the fall of the oppressive dispensation.

Called Imagine Soweto, the project aims to produce 150 pictures that showcase the conflict, diversity and beauty of everyday life in Soweto.

“Through this project, I'm presented with spaces that are unfamiliar and unnoticed,” says Bhala. “My ultimate goal is to make people see Soweto differently because the world is missing out on amazing things.”

Bhala plans to create a photobook titled Imagine Soweto. Take a look at some of the work he has captured so far: