Oshun: Tunes for V-Day from Ghana

Hip-hop collective Yoyo Tinz share their latest playlist for Valentine's Day fresh from Accra, Ghana. The mix is named after the Yoruba spirit of love, Oshun.

Yoyo Tinz are beyond elated to present the third volume of their annual Valentine’s Day mix with Dj Vim Tinz – fittingly named after the Yoruba Orisha of love, beauty and fertility, Oshun. For the third volume, they thought they'd do something distinguishable; and so, they took a symbolic detour to two other countries on the continent and to the diaspora to source music from other Africans. The third time, they say, is the charm. Happy listening!

Yoyo Tinz is dedicated to archiving, documenting, and promoting the rich and diverse culture of Ghanaian hip hop. Through their website, talks and social media platforms, the Yoyo Tinz encourage hip-hop culture, give artists visibility and critique the industry. Yoyo Tinz aim to share all aspects of the diverse culture: graffiti, rap, dance, DJing, beatboxing, lifestyle etc. 

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