This sustainable ocean cleaning facility removes plastic and debris from the ocean and breaks it down into recyclable material.
The floating station also incorporates a hydroponic greenhouse and research centre. The award-winning concept was created by Slovak designer Lenka Petráková, and is yet to be built.
“The project uses marine science and knowledge to showcase the increasingly troubling side of marine environments, not as a new phenomenon, but as the result of centuries of human – ocean interactions. This unique meeting platform should bring people to this distant environment and fight against the dilution that we cannot hurt the ocean by our action onshore.”
The station consists of five main parts:
The Barrier that serves to collect waste and harvest tidal energy
The Collector, where waste is sorted, biodegraded and stored
The Research and Education Centre to study and showcase the increasingly troubling side of aquatic environment
Greenhouses where plants are grown, and water is desalinated
Living Quarters with support facilities