New looks for favourite brands

Here's a look at the winning designs in the Design Indaba/ Foodcorp Design Challenge 2011.

Part of the Project

From the Series

In 2011 Design Indaba collaborated with Foodcorp Consumer Brands to launch the Design Challenge 2011.

The challenge called on design students at 10 of the country’s foremost design institutions to reimage the packaging and advertising of iconic South African food brands.

Read more about the initial brief here.

Creatives were tasked to design a new look for SA favourites: Ouma rusks, Yum Yum peanut butter, Glenryck pilchards and Mageu Number 1.

The winners of the Design Challenge 2011 were announced at Design Indaba Expo 2012.

More than 40 entries were received and the judges, comprising industry experts, judged the entries on the basis of its originality, creativity, appeal and purchasing power.

The judges of the Design Challenge 2011 were: Juliette Morrison, food group marketing director at Foodcorp; Pepe Marais, executive director of Joe Public advertising agency; and Richard Hart, co-owner of Disturbance Design Studio.

The winners of the Design Challenge 2011 are:

The first prize of an Apple Mac Laptop and R5000 went to Tanya Reyneke from AAA School of Advertising in Johannesburg for her Yum Yum design, while her school received R10 000.

The second prize of R5000 went to Levi Tango from the Cape Peninsula University of Technology for his Glenryck Pilchards redesign.

Last but not least, the third prize of R2000 went to Inus Smuts and Leon Bester for their Ouma rusks “Whenever Forever” advertising campaign.

This collaboration between Design Indaba and Foodcorp was a fruitful one. Says Morrison: “As a proud manufacturer of truly iconic South African brands, Foodcorp is also committed to developing young local design talent. The Design Indaba/Foodcorp brand challenge provided us with an ideal platform and vehicle to achieve this goal. The design interpretation of our brands was refreshing and gave insight to our South African youth.”

Watch the Trailer with Pepe Marais

More on Food Design