From the Series
Frank Tjepkema’s Studio Tjep recently collaborated with Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam for the redesign of Lounge 4.
Two retail sections and a waiting area are the main features of the project.
The redesign aimed to convey the feeling of a cosy neighbourhood, rather than a large impersonal airport. This was achieved by incorporating a shopping “street” with a variety of “buildings”. In the seating area a sofa, designed by Joep van Lieshout, is spread out like a fresh green grass landscape.
Two prominent stands offer differences in level for people like to have an overview. In this area there’s a slide for children and the specially designed aeroplane-shaped benches.
Useful for the business traveller, Lounge 4 has more than 100 power sockets and boasts MC Escher artworks integrated in the lounge’s aesthetic.