Around five years ago, a group of artists came together under a common goal - to inspire creativity among kids by showing them what their ideas can inspire in others. To complete their mission, Katie Johnson founded the Monster Project, an initiative that calls on school children to draw their own monsters and see their creations reimagined by artists, graphic designers and illustrators from all over the world.
“With a decreasing emphasis on arts in schools, many children don’t have the opportunity for creative exploration they deserve. That’s a monstrous trend we would like to destroy. As artists ourselves, we understand how important that initial creative exposure is and how it can truly alter the shape of a child's future,” wrote the collective in their Kickstarter campaign.
Due to financial constraints, the group were only able to offer their artistic services to two schools in the United States, but thanks to a successful campaign, the group hopes to expand to more schools. It also plans to offer children a monster activity book and printed t-shirts to further facilitate the children’s creativity.
Here’s a selection of various monsters born from the minds of project’s participants: