Karim Rashid is a leading figure in the fields of product, interior, fashion, furniture, lighting design, art...and now music.
Rashid’s music album, titled Change the World, comprises three tracks that feature the designer singing robotically as both a male and female. Each track investigates Rashid’s philosophies on how designers are able to make the world a better place.
Rashid conveys messages about culture, commodities, technology, global love and the future against digital beats.
The tracks Nutopia and Change the World embrace a manifesto Rashid wrote 12 years ago that looks to the future and promotes and encourages love and acceptance.
The album cover artwork is true to Rashid’s unique design style as a lover of colour, especially pink.
Along with the album, Rashid now has a music label, KariMusik, with which he hopes to embrace diverse projects with other electronic composers encompassing objects, sounds and spaces.
Change the World is available on iTunes here.