From the Series

Undergarments for non-conforming and transgender people are nothing new to the market. It’s the comfortable, effective and altogether stylish type that artist Peregrine Chandra Honig noticed was missing.
Her love for silk and lace led her to open Birdies, a tiny lingerie shop, about 13 years ago. As her transgender customers grew in number and she learned that a transitioning friend of hers was struggling to find seamless underwear, which didn’t pinch and tug at her (now his) flesh—she felt that something revolutionary had to be done. All is Fair in Love and Wear is the latest project from the Kansas City-based artist. In August 2015, her KickStarter project was sucessfully funded and her products began to be commercially produced and made available for people of different frames and ages in the gender-fluid community.
In the campaign video, created to encourage the public to fund the launch, All is Fair’s revolutionary intentions are no secret: “We evolved out of necessity. People all over the world cross the gender divide and they deserve to reframe and reform without limitation”. Contour garments, binders, intimates and enhances will soon be available in a range of colours and makes that are as dynamic and attractive as the people they were designed for.
All is Fair in Love and Wear Kickstarter CampaignThanks for all the enthusiastic support for our new line of “middlewear” for transgender folks. We are proud to be able to take what were specialty items in our little shop and share them with our transitioning friends all over the world. We are 1/3 of the way to out Kickstarter goal! Please, if you think what we are attempting to do is worthwhile, consider sharing this video, or better yet, help us fund the project. Our donor rewards are beautiful! Check them out ->
Posted by All Is Fair in Love and Wear on Friday, September 4, 2015