Part of the Project
The Your Street Challenge, inspired by Design Indaba, asked everyday citizens to use creativity and innovation to improve an aspect of their city’s urban landscape. An overwhelming number of entries were received in answer to the call, with some fantastic creative proposals for applying creativity to urban upgrade projects!
After careful selection by an independent jury, comprising Hannah Williams, Luyanda Mphalwa and Anton Groenewald, these are the first set of winners in the Your Street Live Challenge:
- R50 000 – The Eduvator by Batandwa Alperstein: A crowd-sourced funding platform that allows citizens to make a small contribution towards a big change in underprivileged schools and see the results in real time.
- R50 000 – Mountain Road Nest by Ricky Lee Gordon: Creating a community recreational area with an unused piece of land near a primary school.
- R50 000 – Barrack Lane by the Laneway Lab (Gareth Pearson, Alexandra Jongens and Danielle Ehrlich): Barrack Lane is an alleyway that will be used as a place for the public to sit, eat, meet, work, and socialise.
- R100 000 – Soundwaves for Change by The One Love Studio: An initiative that aims to spread socially conscious messages via the medium of music, providing HIV education, life skills and mentorship to youth.
The winners will receive their cheques at the Design Indaba Expo 2013.
Thank you to all who entered! A new leg of the Your Street Live Challenge will open shortly, all entrants are welcome to rework their project and enter again to win their share of the R1 million.
For more details please see