Ecoalf turns trash into high style fashion

Spanish brand Ecoalf recycles coffee, plastic, ocean waste and tyres to create its clothing lines.

Ecoalf is a fashion company based in Madrid that creates its entire clothing line using recycled materials including plastic bottles, tyres, coffee waste and fishing nets. Founded in 2009 by Javier Goyeneche, the brand stands by its Tras(h)umanity manifesto, which is founded on revolutionising the concept of raw materials and embracing trash as a resource.

Goyeneche launched the brand out of concern for the massive amounts of waste generated by industrial economies and the subsequent depletion of natural resources. In the beginning, the entrepreneur found that there was a lack of quality, legitimate recycled materials available for production so he began collaborating with manufacturers to develop his own fabrics and trimmings using recycled materials.

After travelling the world identifying viable waste and manufacturing resources, Goyeneche managed to build a clothing brand where every item is made from recycled materials.

Ecoalf is involved in many campaigns and collaborations to promote waste recycling. Its latest project, Upcycling the Oceans aims to transform the plastic debris found in the Mediterranean Sea into thread. To do this, the brand has employed fisherman to remove trash from the seabed off the coast of Levante in Spain.