Buitenkant (The Outside), is a South African short film by William Nicholson which looks at homelessness in Cape Town. It formed part of a year-long online film festival in which 120 films were selected by Vimeo as part of their staff picks.
The story revolved around a day in the life of a homeless woman who discovers a set of keys in a muddy puddle of water. She then tries to figure out which door they unlock and finds herself in an apartment of a successful young woman who is away.
She finds herself conflicted between the temptation to steal, and her physical and internal reflection, both in the mirror and by looking at the photos on the table that document the life of a woman who seems to have life figured out.
Vimeo Staff Pick curator Jeffrey Bowers called Buitenkant a touching story that was captivatingly told.
Buitenkant premiered at 2016 Shnit International Short-film festival, a global event held in Bangkok and Cape Town, among other locations. The film won the Jury Prize for Best Made in South Africa Short Film.