Posted 17 Apr 15
By Design Indaba
Duration: 00:02:04
Design Thinking • Product Design
Conference Talks / Trailers
Design Indaba Conference 2015
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Download: Trailer: Hella Jongerius: I am a design pastor
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Hella Jongerius' Design Indaba talk appeals to designers and consumers to search for better ideals in design that promote quality over profit.
Jongerius claims to be fighting against a current of desire for “newness” in our consumer culture, stating that modern society is driven by marketing houses that look to promote profits over good principles in design and encourage consumers to purchase new things all the time.
There is too much shit design, she famously proclaimed.
Watch the full Design Indaba conference talk.
In order to regain a holistic approach to design and elevate products to a place where they have real love in our daily lives, Jongerius shares her six guiding principles.