Over the past two years, the Night of 1 000 Drawings events in Johannesburg and Cape Town galvanised the local creative communities in a remarkably simple but effective way to contribute towards social good. Basically, anyone and everyone contributed drawings, which were then sold at R100 a pop at a party-like event. All proceeds went to the Paballo Ya Batho and Love to Africa relief programmes. Paying tribute to the participants, profiling the benefactors and offering a visual history of the event, Doodle for a Difference is a notable piece of self-publishing. With a celebratory tone, tactile production qualities and distinctive visual appeal, the book really does communicate the radical underground power of this project. Rather than the typical glibness of corporate CSI, it’s humbling, inspiring and sincere. Of course, all proceeds go to Paballo Ya Batho.
Doodle for a Difference
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