From the Series
Driving political participation at a grassroots level, thirteen23 designed a set of mobile applications to support Barack Obama’s 2012 bid for re-election.
With the over-all aim to increase political support among Obama’s campaign volunteers and ordinary members of the public, thirteen23’s “Obama For America Mobile Campaign” delivered timely information, push notifications and field directives straight from the campaign headquarters, allowing supporters to feel involved and regularly updated.
The application, which was part of a larger digital initiative, was location-aware and allowed people to easily join the campaign, become a volunteer, collect donations and register voters.
We wanted to make sure our mobile strategy put the right tools in the hands of the volunteers to make them more efficient and effective at turning out the vote in the field, says thirteen23.
Through leveraging the latest in mobile and cloud technology, thirteen23 was able to bridge the gap between information, people and politics.