Looking to creative solutions for the problems caused by mass urbanisation, the Deutsche Bank Urban Age Award recognises and celebrates innovative approaches to managing city infrastructure.
The fifth round of this award was recently launched for the Cape Town metropolitan area, calling on citizens, policy-makers, NGOs, activists and private businesses to think about ways of improving the urban environment.
A total of R750 000 will be put towards the selected project or projects that demonstrate how it can be put to use to improve life in the 21st century, the first truly urban age.
Since 2007 the award has been presented to projects in two projects in Mumbai, one in Sao Paulo, one in Istanbul and recently one in Mexico City.
The award is presented in association with the Urban Age project, a worldwide investigation into the future of cities jointly initiated by Deutsche Bank’s Alfred Herrhausen Society, and LSE Cities at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
The jury will be made up of local and international expersts on matters around urbanism and urban planning, including professor Ricky Burdett (see video interview below).