What would you expect with a postcard from Molotia? Where is Molotia anyway?
To find out, best you head to the Woodstock Exchange on the night of 30 November 2012 to find out exactly what goes down in the “war-torn jungles of the Molotian Bog”.
/A Word Of Art (/AWOA) presents “Postcards from Molotia”, an exhibit of work by Ree Treweek and Markus Wormstorm of The Blackheart Gang.
With a music collection curated by Wormstorm himself, Postcards from Molotia explores the relationship between imperialism and tribalism through a series of prints and sculptures.
The pieces that look into this unsteady relationship seeks to document the lives and times of the people from this war-torn jungle in a world simply known as “The Bog”.
The selection of artefacts in the Postcards from Molotia exhibit were acquired on The Blackheart Gang’s latest expedition: “A grueling four-year campaign that cost them their sanity and the life of a friend.”
Says /AWOA curator Ricky Lee Gordon of The Blackheart Gang:"Their work is so beautiful and accessible in a way for everyone to connect with their inner imagination."
Click here for more information about the event. The exhibit can be seen until 17 January 2013.