"Hate Mail", by British illustrator Mr Bingo, has become a hugely successful project where you can pay to be utterly insulted. For a small sum of money Mr Bingo will send a uniquely insulting vintage postcard to you. The insults that he throws around are often entirely random, but are always inventive and beautifully illustrated.
The project has been running since 2011, when Mr Bingo (a little drunk) posted a tweet saying, “I will send a postcard with an offensive message to the first person who replies to this.” The winner was a Jonathan Hopkins from Forest Hill, who received this:
After hundreds of insults – which have ranged from a simple "Bastard" to a Venn diagram in which the intersection of Hitler and Ronald McDonald is labelled as "you" – Mr Bingo is raising funds with a rap on Kickstarter for the publication of Hate Mail: The Definitive Collection, where 156 of his favourite and most insulting cards will sit together.
Mr Bingo is offering a number of strangely inviting incentives to people who contribute to his Kickstarter. For £50 he'll troll you on social media for a week, for £75 he'll send you a pornographic drawing of the Queen of England, incorporating a stamp as her head and for £150 he'll get drunk on a train with you. There are various other rewards on offer on his Kickstarter page, where you can also watch a rap video he's made to promote the campaign.
Mr Bingo says he doesn’t just "fuck about for a living". He has also done illustrations for the Washington Post, the Amy Winehouse Foundation and The New Yorker.
"Hate Mail: The Definitive Collection" will be published in October 2015, with the Kickstarter running until 2 August 2015.