Material inspiration

Konstantin Grcic's Medici chair is inspired by the natural form of the wood from which it is made.

German designer Konstantin Grcic’s “Medici” chair for Italian manufacturer Mattiazzi takes its inspiration from the natural quality of the material from which it is made.

Grcic made the pieces in wood, combining traditional means of production with the latest digital production technologies.

Born on Mattiazzi’s factory floor, the Medici chair is made with three types of wood: Thermo-treated ash, walnut and douglas. Grcic says about his design: “Right from the beginning, I was looking for a distinct grammar for my design, a language that would express the characteristics of wood.”

Working with planks, Grcic joined the pieces at irregular angles to create a seat that comfortably reclines, while the construction remains visible and easy to read. This gesture, Grcic explains, shows how structure turns into form.