Illuminated versions

Humans Since 1982's "Collection of Light" is an LED lamp that resembles an illuminated drawer for keeping insects.

Stockholm-based design collective Humans Since 1982’s “Collection of Light” is a collection of LEDs, which together constitute a lamp that looks like an illuminated draw that houses insects.

With “Collection of Light” the designers wanted to “create an aura of a real collection (similar to a collection of insects) and expose each illuminant as a worthy industrial product”.

A sense of harmonic light is created by arranging the LEDs in a specific order, according to their name, size, colour and temperature.

“Collection of Light” comes in three versions: one with 300 LEDs, one with 150 LEDs and one with 90 LEDs.

For the 90 and 150 version Humans Since 1982 refurbished and reused an original 70 year-old insect collection drawers from the Museum of Natural History in Stockholm.